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SEAN LONGさんのGoogle+ Trends


(SEAN LONG) [Google+]
・サークルに追加されている数(Followers) : 2,299人
・国内順位 : 1,275位
SEAN LONG - Google+


I am reading... : 2015-08-11 10:38:26 コメント 45件 共有 1人
I am reading every single comment and it truly means a lot. Thank you all for the support. I love you guys!

Thanks for h... : 2015-07-07 07:57:29 共有 1人
Thanks for having me in the video Joey! I love it!

So everyone ... : 2015-07-23 10:33:51 コメント 9件
So everyone the set does come with three Batarangs! I totally missed it on the set and threw them away by mistake with my opened one.

OMG! I love ... : 2015-07-29 07:35:06 コメント 8件
OMG! I love your Harley Cosplay Angie! I love Batman Arkham Knight and love her outfit in the game and you look amazing! Love the skit with the BAThtub lol!

Hey bro than... : 2015-08-12 08:11:29 コメント 4件
Hey bro thanks for the kind words it means a lot! People don't understand how hard it is for both of us. I appreciate it.

Thanks bro f... : 2015-06-30 11:37:16 コメント 1件
Thanks bro for the kind words about me handling your figures. Yeah anything that has broken on me was very minor that was fixed with super glue but I had more people break stuff off my Hot Toys than I ever did LOL! I hope you get the Guitar Center Job! Can't wait for Comic-Con next week!

Awesome Inte... : 2015-07-17 06:13:56 コメント 1件
Awesome Interview bro! Thanks for helping me on mine!

Isn't it sad... : 2015-08-10 16:09:05
Isn't it sad that this movie does make you appreciate those other Fantastic Four movies more? At least there weren't Craptastic Bores like this one! Awesome Review Jenny!

Guys I meant... : 2015-07-24 10:22:24
Guys I meant to say 18 Feet for the Millennium Falcon not 18 inches!

Congrats to ... : 2015-06-25 12:46:53
Congrats to Chris Owen who Won Batman Arkham Knight for PS4!

Totally rela... : 2015-07-15 07:32:46
Totally relate to this video 100%! Love you Dan! Keep up the amazing work!

I always lov... : 2015-06-27 08:30:06
I always loved Evil Seed but prefer the 200x Look but it be cool to get a Filmation Headsculpt down the line. Awesome Review Dan!

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