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Toshihiro GamoさんのGoogle+ Trends

Toshihiro Gamo

(Toshihiro Gamo) [Google+]
・サークルに追加されている数(Followers) : 1,802人
・国内順位 : 1,541位
Toshihiro Gamo - Google+


Hydrangeas i... : 2014-06-29 02:39:58 コメント 2件 共有 4人
Hydrangeas in the rain Not flowers rain suits as hydrangea.

Cherry bloss... : 2014-03-13 22:13:21 共有 4人
Cherry blossom Taken at Kamon park in Yokohama.

Nice to meet... : 2013-07-29 08:43:50 コメント 9件 共有 3人
Nice to meet you, everyone :D I live in Yokohama City, Japan. Every morning, cats live happily in two animals of the field in the hut of a friend, goes to feed the spear Holmes calico cat with tabby Goriza. More than 15 years estimated age, in Tomcat, Goriza was picked up by friends abandoned be larger. The more Tsukko a person, have a gentle nature. Young Mesuneko of 1-year-old Holmes, abandoned soon after birth. Full of curiosity, learning ability is high, but it is spoiled. They're good friends. I think from now on, and try to introduce to you, the happy life of the two animals. Nice to meet you. I are summarized in Flickr photo of two cats that live in the field. I look! http://www.flickr.com/photos/dakiny/sets/72157634260927773/

*Female Yell... : 2016-10-11 19:03:24 コメント 5件 共有 3人
*Female Yellow Swallowtail on Leek Flower *

Female Yello... : 2016-10-05 19:39:24 コメント 1件 共有 3人
Female Yellow Swallowtail on Leek Flower

Male Indian ... : 2016-11-03 20:01:15 共有 3人
Male Indian Fritillary of The End of Autumn

Hi, everyone... : 2013-08-23 22:04:56 コメント 6件 共有 2人
Hi, everyone! Today, I played with Kuma (Japnaese Akita Dog). If you think you trying to photograph him handsome, because not me away, It has become a macro photo :-p Because are summarized in Flickr photos of dogs that I took, I look! http://www.flickr.com/photos/dakiny/sets/72157633930806264/ See you later ;-)

Cosmos... : 2016-10-17 20:18:34 コメント 2件 共有 2人

Autumn Leave... : 2016-12-10 17:04:03 共有 2人
Autumn Leaves of Maple in Kuhonbutsu Joshinji Temple Contrast of red and yellow by autumn leaves of maple and ginkgo. This picture was taken in the precincts of the temple built in the 18th century.

Japanese Apr... : 2016-02-12 00:50:12 共有 2人
Japanese Apricot (Plum Blossom) In Japan, soon comes spring and Japanese apricot bloom ;-)

風ニモ負ケズ! 風に揺れ... : 2016-09-25 00:31:55 共有 2人
風ニモ負ケズ! 風に揺れるキバナコスモスにしがみつく、ツマグロヒョウモン♀。

Autumn leave... : 2016-12-08 23:27:42 共有 2人
Autumn leaves in Setagaya, Tokyo Contrast of red and yellow by autumn leaves of maple and ginkgo. This picture was taken in the precincts of the temple built in the 18th century.

雨に濡れる大菊(厚物) ... : 2014-10-22 16:59:09 共有 2人
雨に濡れる大菊(厚物) 横浜三渓園の菊花展用の大菊で、開花途中。

Female India... : 2016-09-29 19:28:52 コメント 5件 共有 1人
Female Indian Fritillary on Leek Flower

Nice to meet... : 2013-08-19 17:18:44 コメント 4件 共有 1人
Nice to meet you, everyone! Living in Yokohama City, Japan, is my photographer loves animals. I do not buy a dog in the housing situation now, but when I was a child, I had a pet Collie and Akita dog. Well, acquaintance of farmers are kept, dog to introduce today, ♀ is Yuki Japanese dog. Yuki, is the meaning of snow in Japanese. It seems to love about me, you go to play to farm, let alone turn licking her face, she makes it to French kiss :p With the bathing she loves bathing, this day's was hot, in the creek in front of the farm, it was happy ;) Pictures of dogs took of me, I is summarized in Flickr. If it is good, please also see here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dakiny/sets/72157633930806264/ In the future, please.

ご飯ちょうだい! 木曜日... : 2013-11-08 21:04:41 コメント 4件 共有 1人
ご飯ちょうだい! 木曜日、三渓園に出かけたら、トイレの前で雨宿りしていたノラちゃんです。フレンドリーで逃げません。 ラーメンでも食べるかと茶店に入ったら、このノラちゃんがいて、「お店の猫なんですか?」と聞いたら、「ノラ猫なんだけど、居着いちゃって…」と。 ラーメンが届いたら、僕の椅子の下でじっと見てるので、最初ナルトをあげたら食べない、次にゆで玉子をあげても食べない。焼き豚なら食べるかな?と思って、丸呑みできるサイズにちぎってあげたら、喜んで食べたから、焼き豚2枚献上しました(笑)。 三渓園の中央広場の近くをウロウロしているので、ネコ好きな方は、三渓園に行ったら探してみてください。ノラといっても、三渓園に住むことは認知(放置かもw)されてるので、オヤツ持っていってもいいかも、 このノラちゃんの他の写真は、僕のGoogle+アルバムにあげてあります。よろしければ、他の三渓園や、みなとみらい周辺で撮った写真もご覧ください。 https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/117875654365522252231/albums/5941234631122339969

Autumn Leave... : 2016-12-14 16:55:32 コメント 3件 共有 1人
Autumn Leaves in Todoroki Valley Park This valley exists in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. It can't be believed that such a place is in City.

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 Google+ Ranking
全国 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
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Global : 1st- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
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