Joshua VergaraさんのGoogle+ Trends
反応が多かった投稿ランキングIt took fore... : 2015-01-18 06:12:41 コメント 27件 共有 6人It took forever to come together and producing the first episode of our podcast took priority for a couple days, but last night this video finally started to materialize and I just couldn't stop until I was done. Enjoy! S/O to some cameo appearances by: +Michael Fisher, +Jaime Rivera, +Marco Hanna, +Dom Esposito, +Nicole Scott, +Edgar Cervantes, +Richard Lai, +John Velasco, and +Jon Rettinger! techandtea B... : 2015-09-25 02:00:30 コメント 45件 共有 3人 techandtea Being a Tech YouTuber SUCKS - sometimes (VLOG 003) I love my job - but where I am in YouTube poses a number of challenges and frustrations from time to time. Mainly the fact that Tech YouTubers are simply separate from the rest of YouTube. Disneyland f... : 2014-12-07 04:44:22 コメント 39件 共有 2人 Disneyland fun with the lady for her birthday. Put my bag down, leaned the Oppo N3 on it, and performed some O-Click magic. I gotta say, this camera is really impressing me so far. This recent ... : 2014-12-10 02:35:26 コメント 11件 共有 2人 This recent string of copyright claims by Capcom regarding Street Fighter V shows the danger of prioritizing algorithms over people. Join us for ... : 2014-12-05 05:17:25 コメント 12件 共有 1人 Join us for a LIVE Hangout at 7PM PST tonight! Come join us guys! +Joshua Vergara +Joseph Hindy +Lanh Nguyen +Kevin Nether +Gary Sims +Jayce Broda +Android Authority #1MILLY #LiveHangout Welcome to t... : 2015-09-19 10:25:27 コメント 11件 共有 1人 Welcome to techandtea! LA County Fair! (VLOG 001) I know it's been a long time since I have been on Google+, but that is what happens when you're really busy. I have been continuing my work and time with +Android Authority but it is high time that I finally started my own projects on the side. techandtea is a channel that I have wanted to start for years now, way back when I thought of the domain and it was still in use. Finally, at the beginning of this year, the domain was opened up and I pounced on it. I started setting up the YouTube channel and though it took nearly the whole year for me to finally post something on it, I decided to finally fight my procrastination, put something together that I was proud of even if it meant fighting with my pesky perfectionism. On techandtea you'll see reviews in only the way yours truly has brought them, but they will focus on tech and gadgets outside of mobile - after all, you'll still be able to see my work on Android Authority. You'll also be able to enjoy recipes and reviews of food and drink from time to time, always with a focus on being healthy. And, like you see in this particular video, you can get a glimpse into my life with a series of vlogs. I would really appreciate it if you could check it out, subscribe to the channel, and show some love because this is something I have been wanting to do for so long and I want you all to join me in this new endeavor. the next moment is only a moment away. Join the You... : 2014-12-05 11:26:38 コメント 1件 共有 1人 Join the YouTube team of +Android Authority as we celebrate the 1 million subscriber milestone! The likes of +Joshua Vergara, +Joseph Hindy, +Kevin Nether, and +Lanh Nguyen will be a part of this momentous occasion! We will hang out for about an hour, talking about ourselves a little bit, reminiscing about our respective times at Android Authority, and we just might answer one of your questions live on the air! To submit your own questions for the team to answer, comment it at this video: OR Tweet to the @androidauth Twitter with the hashtags #1MILLY and #livehangout OR If you are going to join us, jump into the Q&A app in the live hangout to be a part of the fun in real time! Hope to see you there! Thank you again for 1 million! One. Million... : 2014-12-01 05:42:58 コメント 26件 One. Million. When do you ... : 2014-12-18 05:47:54 コメント 16件 When do you start pushing a new e-mail address on people? And what are the best ways to transition to the new one? The domain I... : 2014-12-16 05:42:59 コメント 10件 The domain I always wanted for my personal website was suddenly available. You know I bought that up RIGHT QUICK techandtea K... : 2015-09-23 05:38:51 コメント 8件 techandtea KARAOKE IS LIFE (VLOG 002) This past weekend, I got to see some of my old friends. We celebrated birthdays and going-aways by singing our faces off... and then by stuffing them. I'm seriousl... : 2014-11-25 07:22:41 コメント 7件 I'm seriously enjoying YouTube Music Key, but I don't use the features for music - try using all of the new YT features on other channels you like. It's like a revelation - almost like creating a podcast out of your YouTube playlists. [Check your rank. あなたのランキングを調べる] |
Google+ Ranking
全国 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- | 男性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- | 女性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | Global : 1st- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |