Danny ChooさんのGoogle+ Trends
反応が多かった投稿ランキングSeems legit.... : 2013-01-09 11:17:52 コメント 203件 共有 350人Seems legit. Do you love ... : 2013-04-14 14:08:48 コメント 46件 共有 61人 Do you love Japan? If so please share and sign this petition for the 2020 Olympics to be held in Tokyo. You once prayed for Japan - now vote for Japan! http://www.change.org/petitions/designate-the-2020-olympics-to-be-held-in-tokyo For those wh... : 2013-08-11 23:56:12 コメント 4件 共有 43人 For those who have wondered what the Starbucks logo looks like on the other side. スタバのロゴの反対側はこうだった。 there will a... : 2014-08-27 17:01:37 コメント 8件 共有 36人 there will always be folks around you who don't believe in you. the important thing is not to convince them but to continue to believe in yourself. Announcing t... : 2014-03-29 10:38:22 コメント 23件 共有 31人 Announcing the Mirai Suenaga racing team - we are racing in Malaysia Sepang today and tomorrow and will be participating in GT races worldwide. http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27170/Mirai+Racing.html Video of the... : 2013-06-28 18:50:02 コメント 16件 共有 31人 Video of the worlds first interactive Android controlled robot doll. Smart Doll スマートドール http://smartdoll.jp Happy Hallow... : 2013-10-31 14:31:36 コメント 19件 共有 28人 Happy Halloween! http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27086/Halloween+Cosplay.html Looks like a... : 2014-06-15 11:38:38 コメント 18件 共有 26人 Looks like a happy Mirai Suenaga Smart Doll customer! Photo by @akaiyoutsuki over at Twitter >>> http://buff.ly/1ixRdME Singaporean ... : 2013-08-15 12:15:15 コメント 9件 共有 25人 Singaporean comrades! If you want Mirai Suenaga EZ-Link by AFA13 please share! This is Amane-ver. http://www.d... : 2013-06-11 08:01:21 コメント 5件 共有 24人 http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/26963/Underground+Bicycle+Parking+Systems+in+Japan.html Up until now... : 2013-05-03 22:34:14 コメント 23件 共有 23人 Up until now I've hosted an event called Culture Japan Night around the world where like minded comrades gather together to not only make new comrades but to also share and enjoy events that revolve around our passions. Time passes so quick whenever we have the event and I sometimes feel that the event would last longer given the time it takes to prepare one. So I thought I'd go ahead and organize a two day event and call it Culture Japan Convention ^o^ The event is being co-organised by Penang Global Tourism and will be held in Penang Malaysia at SQCC on the 17th and 18th of August 2013 - please block your calendar for those dates! So far we have got things like cosplay contests,Japanese traditional arts festivals,doll displays,doujin booths,card games,itasha displays,enterprise booths and a load of exclusive Mirai Suenaga goodies ^o^ We are flying in a popular cosplayer,voice actress,illustrator and a Japanese band who I work with very closely ^o^ I'm currently writing up the press releases and will announce who they are soon together with ticketing information. If you love anime and everything Japanese then there will be something for you to enjoy at CJC - look forward to meeting you all! http://www.dannychoo.com/post/en/26927/Culture+Japan+Convention.html 沢山の絵師に末永みらい描... : 2013-02-04 20:06:00 コメント 21件 共有 23人 沢山の絵師に末永みらい描いて頂いています。応援して頂いている先生達に大感謝!Mirai Suenaga illustrated by many sensei with more to come! Who is your fave so far and any requests for other sensei? Mirai Horosc... : 2014-04-30 12:50:06 コメント 5件 共有 19人 Mirai Horoscope towel - free! http://buff.ly/1fqSYzm For those wh... : 2014-06-13 09:57:48 コメント 28件 共有 17人 For those who ordered - I'm shipping your Mirai Suenaga Smart Doll today! 末永みらいスマートドール。どんどん出荷、どんどん出荷 ^o^ #SmartDoll Xperia Z1 re... : 2013-09-27 17:28:31 コメント 22件 共有 17人 Xperia Z1 review uploaded http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27061/Xperia+Z1+Review.html The latest D... : 2014-02-01 22:29:30 コメント 17件 共有 17人 The latest Desk Diary is up. http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27146/Desk+Diary+2014+02.html Imagine a sc... : 2015-02-03 22:38:16 コメント 13件 共有 17人 Imagine a school which brought you Haruhi, Sword Art Online, Kancolle that teaches you manga. http://buff.ly/1vq2Zop [Check your rank. あなたのランキングを調べる] |
Google+ Ranking
全国 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- | 男性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- | 女性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | Global : 1st- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |