Joutarou ZinさんのGoogle+ Trends
反応が多かった投稿ランキング2013/01/14 D... : 2013-01-14 20:55:08 コメント 59件 共有 24人2013/01/14 Day - 014/365 初雪。 / First snow of the season. 雪で白く覆われた景色の中で、南天の赤が鮮やかでした。 In the scene covered white in snow,the red color of the nandin was vibrant. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project Curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +James Cockroft and +Simon Davis-Oakley #HQSPNaturalOther by +HQSP Natural Other +Delcour Eric #HQSPSeasons +HQSP Seasons by +Tony Davis +Vinod Krishnamoorthy +Alison Thurston #10000photographersaroundtheworld by +Robert SKREINER & +Nikola Nikolski +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS around the World #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras 2013/06/20 D... : 2013-06-21 04:35:09 コメント 61件 共有 23人 2013/06/20 Day - 171/365 雲の流れ。/ The flow of clouds. 雨のわずかな狭間。雲の隙間が、光の塔を過っていった。 The slight interval of rain. The crevice between clouds passed through the tower of light. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +Patricia dos Santos Paton and +Simon Davis-Oakley #hqsplandscape curated by +HQSP Landscape curated by +Terrie Gray +Johnny Minor +Nicolai Neijhoft +Lani Banadera +Aamir Shahzad #hqspjapan curated by +HQSP Japan +Joutarou Zin #landscapephotography +Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +Ke Zeng +David Heath Williams #10000photographers by +Robert SKREINER +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #take2seconds +Take2seconds +G+ Weekly Theme Circles #PENTAXusersJP #pentax #pentaxk5 2013/08/02 D... : 2013-08-03 08:37:14 コメント 82件 共有 17人 2013/08/02 Day - 214/365 かまって! Hei! Attention please! そんな事するから、作業が何も進まなくなるだろ。 Since you do such a thing, work becomes impossible to me. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +Patricia dos Santos Paton and +Simon Davis-Oakley #Caturday with +Christophe Friedli +Lee Daniels +CATURDAY! #caturdayeveryday +Caturday Everyday #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World by +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann #mybelovedcats +MY BELOVED CATS #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci #10000photographers by +Robert SKREINER +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #take2seconds +Take2seconds +G+ Weekly Theme Circles #PENTAXusersJP #pentax #pentaxk5 2013/03/14 D... : 2013-03-15 05:00:12 コメント 65件 共有 15人 2013/03/14 Day - 073/365 挨拶。/ A greeting. いつも挨拶に来てくれる、とても素敵な友達。 She is a very wonderful friend who always comes for a greeting. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project Curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +James Cockroft and +Simon Davis-Oakley #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci #10000photographersaroundtheworld by +Robert SKREINER and +Nikola Nikolski +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS around the World #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #caturday +CATURDAY! +Caturday Everyday by +Jules Falk Hunter +Shantha Marie Fountain and +Cicely Robin Laing #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World curted by +Edith Kukla and +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann +Cats Big And Small The Best curated by +Mark HELM #PENTAXusersJP おはようございます。 H... : 2013-07-28 09:29:15 コメント 64件 共有 15人 おはようございます。 Hello! This is the today's cat photo. 靴を並べてたとこだよ。 I was just going to put shoes in order. #cat #cats #neko #猫 #ねこ部 #浅草 #asakusa #tokyo #japan #breakfastclub +Breakfast Club curated by +Gemma Costa #Caturday with +Christophe Friedli +Lee Daniels +CATURDAY! #caturdayeveryday +Caturday Everyday #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World curted by +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci 2013/03/27 D... : 2013-03-28 03:22:50 コメント 59件 共有 15人 2013/03/27 Day - 086/365 ほろ酔い。/ Mellow. 真っ白な染井吉野も少しお酒を飲んだのか?提灯の灯りでほんのりピンク色。 Did pure white "Somei Yoshino" drink alcohol a little? With the light of a paper lantern,the color of a flower is Pink faintly. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project Curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +James Cockroft and +Simon Davis-Oakley #HQSPJapan curated by +HQSP Japan +Joutarou Zin #HQSPNaturalOther by +HQSP Natural Other by +Valesa Diamontes +Blake Harrold #HQSPSeasons +HQSP Seasons by +Tony Davis +Vinod Krishnamoorthy +Alison Thurston #hqspflowers +HQSP Flowers by +Nicole Best +Werner Polwein +Larry Henley +Anja Wessels #10000photographersaroundtheworld by +Robert SKREINER and +Nikola Nikolski +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #take2seconds +Take2seconds +Trever McGhee #PENTAXusersJP #pentax #pentaxk5 2013/03/17 D... : 2013-03-18 02:18:31 コメント 37件 共有 15人 2013/03/17 Day - 076/365 振り向く。/ Looking back. 私の気配を、君は敏感に感じ取るんだね。 You take in my sign sensitively. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project Curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +James Cockroft and +Simon Davis-Oakley #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci #10000photographersaroundtheworld by +Robert SKREINER and +Nikola Nikolski +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #caturday +CATURDAY! +Caturday Everyday by +Jules Falk Hunter +Shantha Marie Fountain and +Cicely Robin Laing #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World curted by +Edith Kukla and +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann +Cats Big And Small The Best curated by +Mark HELM #PENTAXusersJP 2012/11/02 今... : 2012-11-03 00:50:35 コメント 16件 共有 15人 2012/11/02 今夜の月。/ The moon of tonight. 雲間から顔を覗かせる月が、夜を飾る。 The moon which makes a face look into through between clouds decorates night. #creative366project +Creative 366 Project #365project +G+ 365 Project #hqsplandscape curated by +HQSP Landscape +Delcour Eric +Ara MO +Blake Harrold #10000photographersaroundtheworld by +Robert SKREINER +Robert SKREINER - PHOTOGRAPHY #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #landscapephotography +Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +Ke Zeng +David Heath Williams おはようございます。 H... : 2013-02-16 06:51:00 コメント 57件 共有 14人 おはようございます。 Hello! This is the today's cat photo. 高所恐怖症? Don't you have acrophobia? #cat #cats #neko #猫 #ねこ部 #浅草 #asakusa #tokyo #japan #breakfastclub +Breakfast Club curated by +Gemma Costa #caturday +CATURDAY! +Caturday Everyday by +Jules Falk Hunter +Shantha Marie Fountain and +Cicely Robin Laing #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World curated by +Edith Kukla and +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci +Cats Big And Small The Best BY +Mark HELM 2013/03/29 D... : 2013-03-30 05:01:38 コメント 55件 共有 14人 2013/03/29 Day - 088/365 提灯。/ Paper lantern. 「桜まつり」の提灯が、夜桜を優しく浮き上がらせる。 The paper lanterns of "Sakura festival" illuminate a nocturnal view of cherry blossoms gently. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project Curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +James Cockroft and +Simon Davis-Oakley #HQSPJapan curated by +HQSP Japan +Joutarou Zin #HQSPNaturalOther by +HQSP Natural Other by +Valesa Diamontes +Blake Harrold #HQSPSeasons +HQSP Seasons by +Tony Davis +Vinod Krishnamoorthy +Alison Thurston #hqspflowers +HQSP Flowers by +Nicole Best +Werner Polwein +Larry Henley +Anja Wessels #10000photographers by +Robert SKREINER +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #take2seconds +Take2seconds +Trever McGhee #PENTAXusersJP #pentax #pentaxk5 こんばんわ。 Hello... : 2013-02-23 21:49:30 コメント 38件 共有 14人 こんばんわ。 Hello! This is the today's cat photo. 肖像画のように。 Like a portrait picture. #cat #cats #neko #猫 #ねこ部 #浅草 #asakusa #tokyo #japan #breakfastclub +Breakfast Club curated by +Gemma Costa #caturday +CATURDAY! +Caturday Everyday by +Jules Falk Hunter +Shantha Marie Fountain and +Cicely Robin Laing #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World curted by +Edith Kukla and +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci +Cats Big And Small The Best BY +Mark HELM 2013/03/26 D... : 2013-03-27 01:56:04 コメント 21件 共有 14人 2013/03/26 Day - 085/365 春の夜。/ Spring night. 提灯に照らされた満開の桜と菜の花が、物語の中の世界に誘い込みます。 A paper lantern illuminates a cherry tree in full bloom and rape blossoms. I waver in the world in a tale. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project Curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +James Cockroft and +Simon Davis-Oakley #HQSPJapan curated by +HQSP Japan +Joutarou Zin #HQSPNaturalOther by +HQSP Natural Other +Delcour Eric +Blake Harrold #HQSPSeasons +HQSP Seasons by +Tony Davis +Vinod Krishnamoorthy +Alison Thurston #10000photographersaroundtheworld by +Robert SKREINER and +Nikola Nikolski +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #take2seconds +Take2seconds +Trever McGhee #PENTAXusersJP #pentax #pentaxk5 おはようございます。 H... : 2013-02-06 08:53:43 コメント 44件 共有 13人 おはようございます。 Hello! This is the today's cat photo. 猫巻き Cat Roll! #breakfastclub +Breakfast Club curated by +Gemma Costa #caturday +CATURDAY! +Caturday Everyday by +Jules Falk Hunter +Shantha Marie Fountain and +Cicely Robin Laing #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World curated by +Edith Kukla and +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci +Cats Big And Small The Best curated BY +Mark HELM こんにちは。 Hello... : 2013-01-26 12:51:39 コメント 39件 共有 13人 こんにちは。 Hello! This is the today's cat photo. モデルの仕事中ですか? Is it during work of a model? #cat #cats #neko #猫 #ねこ部 #浅草 #asakusa #tokyo #japan #breakfastclub +Breakfast Club curated by +Gemma Costa #caturday +CATURDAY! +Caturday Everyday +Jules Falk Hunter +Shantha Marie Fountain and +Cicely Robin Laing #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World curted by +Mark HELM and +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci 2013/04/10 D... : 2013-04-11 00:25:42 コメント 31件 共有 13人 2013/04/10 Day - 100/365 鼻高々。/ She has high nose.( It's means in Japanese,"Triumphant face".) AFで眼鏡を使わずに撮っていたら、ほとんど鼻の頭に合焦してました。 When photographing by AF without using eye-glasses,it come into focus on the head of the nose. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project Curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +James Cockroft and +Simon Davis-Oakley #Caturday with +Christophe Friedli +Lee Daniels +CATURDAY! #caturdayeveryday +Caturday Everyday #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World curted by +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci #10000photographers by +Robert SKREINER +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #take2seconds +Take2seconds +Trever McGhee #PENTAXusersJP #pentax #pentaxk5 2013/03/23 D... : 2013-03-24 06:18:16 コメント 16件 共有 13人 2013/03/23 Day - 082/365 花嫁行列。/ Procession of bride and groom.. たまたま通りかかった私が見とれるのだから、両親にはどのように見えているのだろうか? How their parents feel? Because I'm fascinated ,passed by chance. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project Curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +James Cockroft and +Simon Davis-Oakley #HQSPJapan curated by +HQSP Japan +Joutarou Zin #hqspnonnaturephotos by +Alexandre Fagundes de Fagundes +Rhea Surgimath +Michael Sonntag #10000photographersaroundtheworld by +Robert SKREINER and +Nikola Nikolski +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #take2seconds +Take2seconds +Trever McGhee #PENTAXusersJP #pentax #pentaxk5 2013/04/27 D... : 2013-04-28 07:08:13 コメント 31件 共有 12人 2013/04/27 Day - 117/365 空色。/ Celestial blue. ブラッシングしてあげたら、とてもご機嫌になりました。 She becomes in a great mood after brushing. #creative365project #365project +G+ 365 Project Curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton +James Cockroft and +Simon Davis-Oakley #Caturday with +Christophe Friedli +Lee Daniels +CATURDAY! #caturdayeveryday +Caturday Everyday #catsallovertheworld +CATS all over the World by +Robert SKREINER #onecatadaykeepsthedoctoraway +OneCatADay - Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann #hqspanimals curated by +HQSP Animals +Joe Urbz +Marina Versaci #10000photographers by +Robert SKREINER +10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS #pixelworld +PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras #take2seconds +Take2seconds +Trever McGhee #PENTAXusersJP #pentax #pentaxk5 [Check your rank. あなたのランキングを調べる] |
Google+ Ranking
全国 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- | 男性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- | 女性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | Global : 1st- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |