Andy KitkowskiさんのGoogle+ Trends
反応が多かった投稿ランキングApologies, g... : 2013-11-03 09:41:18 コメント 43件 共有 38人Apologies, great apologies for the shout out: I only do this like once a year. Especially for those already aware of it... My Ryuutama Kickstarter campaign is now live! 写真などを投稿 : 2015-09-03 01:23:59 コメント 7件 共有 28人 Kamiya Ryo's... : 2013-04-19 04:51:12 コメント 27件 共有 23人 Kamiya Ryo's Golden Sky Stories (Yuuyake Koyake) is now on Kickstarter. If you were ever interested in a new gaming experience,this is it. It's basically "Hayao Miyazaki's ...uh... small town animal spirit friendship game." Translated and produced by +Ewen Cluney Seriously. I've been waiting years for this to happen. 写真などを投稿 : 2015-11-29 20:34:45 コメント 11件 共有 21人 All My Plane... : 2014-02-26 17:11:48 コメント 37件 共有 17人 All My Planescape Stuff, Lots of Signed +Tony DiTerlizzi Stuff (OMG OMG OMG I just noticed he's on G+, Awesome!), giving it all away in a contest. Click through the album to see what I've got. And if you're not familiar with Planescape, google it and strap in! So, here goes... I'm moving (back) to Tokyo very soon, and one of the last things I did was play "ship, give, or toss" with pretty much every object in my life, including all of my gaming stuff. My gaming collection was pretty easy to get through for the most part, until I got to my D&D 2E Planescape Collection. While Dark Sun is my favorite D&D setting, Planescape ruled my creative sphere in the 90s. I loved the hell out of it, and was very much inspired by Tony DiTerlizzi's ethereal art style (fun fact: DiT illustrated the Dark Sun supplement City State of Tyr, adding something awesome to the setting that Baxa/Brom missed IMO). I picked up some of the DiT-heavy art supplements for this line, like the Factol's Manifesto and the big boxed sets. Now, I'm giving it all away. Many of my local gaming friends (who already have their own copies of much of the DS line) think it's a bad move, that I'll regret it. However, I really haven't been using, referencing, or playing any of it in years. For me, my gaming stuff is all about what I can Use; if I'm not Using it, it's time to move it on to someone who will. Someone like you! So I'm holding a contest of sorts. See below for details. You'll note that this isn't the entire line of Planescape stuff: I at one time had a lot of the supplements, but ended up moving them on. The core of this set is the original Planescape Boxed Set (PBS), and the Planes of Chaos boxed set (POC). POC is honestly the best product in this entire line: Super evocative, heavily illustrated, supreme amounts of visual impact as well as adventure seeds, adventure seeds, and more adventure seeds. Truly inspired, not in only explaining these weird fantastical realms, but also giving you hints at thi 写真などを投稿 : 2015-12-22 13:05:17 コメント 7件 共有 16人 PDF is DONE!... : 2015-06-20 19:34:56 コメント 15件 共有 15人 PDF is DONE! All backers should have their copies by now (Kickstarter and Pre-orderers). If not, and you filled out the survey, ping me in private and I'll hook you up. For the rest, here's the electronic copy! And we'll send to the printers in about a week. Any last-minute formatting/other errors you catch, let us know! " It was nev... : 2015-09-03 15:35:29 コメント 37件 共有 13人 " It was never a fair fight between fundamentalist Christianity and D&D. One was a dangerous system full of dark mysticism and threats to warp a young mind beyond repair, and the other was a tabletop RPG. " (from the comments, both hilarious and spot on) Pouring out a little liquor for my buddies who went through this madness. Especially for the one who, despite taking a shotgun blast of nonsense to his face when his parents forced a teenaged him to burn his RPG books in front of them, made it through and became a good friend and a wonderful and respected game designer and humanitarian. So,the Bagel... : 2012-10-01 08:25:33 コメント 9件 共有 12人 So,the Bagel Head thing,the "hottest new fashion trend in Japan": I did the research: It's total bullshit. I just searched through about a dozen major Japanese news sites on this article. All of the articles I saw on this "new trend" in Japan,are basically all themed "Who the fuck is saying that this Bagel Head thing is some kind of new trend?" ,and ultimately point to that "National Geographic Taboo" documentary as the culprit. They wanted to drum up a story,so created a thing that maybe 10 people in the country do (at a heavy body mod convention,no less) and pass it off as something that is some sort of growing trend. It's like the "Boob Scarf" thing a few years back ( ),where someone took pictures of some guy who had a stand somewhere selling scarves that looked like a pair of boobs,took a few pics of people wearing them,and all of a sudden it became "a new hot trend in Japan!" and all that. The problem is that this time,that news clip is apparently (according to the Japanese news sources I read) getting heavy play in China from the Chinese equivalent of Twitter and the like,in an effort to paint the Japanese as contemptible and subhuman,to stir support over the whole Liancort Islands dispute. It's got a real dark heart,this round... So yeah,the interesting sub-article here: "National Geographic runs out of ideas,uses a show about heavy body modding to exploit a culture ("It's a hot new trend!"),which is then used in Chinese national media to paint the Japanese as fucked up and inhuman to support an agenda of nationalist aggressive land annexation policies." -AK +Quinn Murph... : 2014-11-06 12:07:41 コメント 3件 共有 12人 +Quinn Murphy is one of the greatest minds in contemporary tabletop gaming. Full stop. His work on everything from traditional to hippie indie games ranges from "simply prolific and awesome" to "mind-blowing" (Worldenders, which I still attempt to create and run in D&D 5E). If you are not following him, you're missing out. A big problem with our community though is that we worship "designers/publishers", and not the craftspeople who make the game table demonstrably more awesome. So folks like Quinn, Judd K, Thor O and more tend to be this driving force of awesome to everyone in their immediate circles (in the non-G+ sense) but hard to promote effectively to others in a way that sticks. I hope that changes. But in the interim, Quinn's released the beta of his game he's been working on for a while. I talked to him a lot about it (though I haven't had a chance to play it with him at cons because of session conflict and the like), and have been looking forward to it for at the very least a full year. It's basically a story game about people who dive into the aspects of hip-hop culture to make their daily lives suck less. As an ex-raver and b-boy (well, popping/locking/liquid anyway), I'm super excited to give it a shot. Check it out. But as mentioned, don't stop there. Quinn's written volumes on his blog that's just as applicable to D&D as it is to Fiasco (well, more the former, but that's my sweet spot anyway). Don't go gaga for the designer because they're a designer, look at his historic mountain of gaming writing corpus as the main, with this just the sweet, sweet extension of the excellence therein. http://shino... : 2015-11-03 18:25:00 コメント 20件 共有 11人 Shinobigami - The Website, that is - is done... More news soon. Like... really, really soon. Life of a Wr... : 2014-09-11 11:27:56 コメント 17件 共有 9人 Life of a Writer / Editor 写真などを投稿 : 2015-10-10 12:11:24 コメント 7件 共有 9人 Marvel's Civ... : 2015-01-17 01:43:09 コメント 23件 共有 8人 Marvel's Civil War So that's how it all starts... h/t +Justin Jelinek #gif #jif #Marvel #CivilWar 写真などを投稿 : 2015-11-04 10:12:10 コメント 4件 共有 8人 For + Rafae... : 2013-10-26 23:06:58 コメント 1件 共有 8人 For + Rafael Chandler Why aren't t... : 2013-09-05 02:10:21 コメント 23件 共有 7人 Why aren't there more politicians like this? Or just a few, in the US? Why aren't there more Christians like this? [Check your rank. あなたのランキングを調べる] |
Google+ Ranking
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