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Kurzgesagt – In a NutshellさんのGoogle+ Trends

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

(Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell) [Google+]
・サークルに追加されている数(Followers) : 3,715人
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - Google+


We did a vid... : 2015-06-25 19:27:16 コメント 19件 共有 7人
We did a video for the Part Time Scientists, one of the most promising contenders for wining the Google Lunar X Price. In a nutshell, the first one to get a rover to the moon will win $20 Million. Audi is supporting their mission from now on! Hope you like.

Planet Earth... : 2014-08-04 23:50:26 コメント 47件 共有 5人
Planet Earth is this solid thing you are standing on right now. In your everyday life you don't really waste a thought about how amazing this is. A giant, ancient, hot rock. How did it come into existence and how big is it really? You will be surprised. The ground you are standing on is just a very, very small part of the big picture. THANK YOU FOR AN AWESOME YEAR YOUTUBE! :D

The current ... : 2014-06-20 00:14:14 コメント 148件 共有 4人
The current crisis in Iraq explained in under 5 minutes. There is war in Iraq? Again? And the US and Iran are talking about working together? And who is this ISIS Terrorist group that is all over the news? And Religion? Oh dear... When exactly has the world gone mad again? It is not possible to explain a complicated topic like this without simplification. We are very aware that this video is not painting a full picture of the situation. But we hope that it may lay the foundation on which you can try to do your own research and understand how horribly Fu**ed up the whole situation is. Kurzgesagt loves all people as long as they don't hurt others and don't hinder mankind on its quest to the stars. So it was very sad to read so much terrible stuff about the situation in Iraq. Hopefully it will get better.

I don't beli... : 2014-08-07 02:26:58 コメント 78件 共有 3人
I don't believe creators on the internet have to take this abuse. In the last few years aggressive comments against women and and feminism have become abundant on the internet, especially on youtube. They even invented words like feminazi etc. This should not be a thing we have to talk about. It is something we all made possible by ignoring it, and as a human that believes in gender equality this annoys me to no end. On our channel when I spot trolls and hateful people I just ban them immediately and without exception – there is no freedom of speech if it includes making other people feel bad for selfish/hateful reasons. Creators and viewers have ignored/tolerated such behavior for far to long. As citizens of the internet we all should fight to make it better and put a stop to this behavior. If it is not ok in my home, it is not ok on my videos/the videos I watch. Simple as that.

Thomas who m... : 2014-08-05 18:26:54 コメント 51件 共有 3人
Thomas who makes our MUSIC has his own company now!! So if you want music as awesome as ours or just take a look at the music from the last videos, here is Thomas' new website and his soundcloud at  & epic-mountain.com & soundcloud.com/epicmountain.

Hey everybod... : 2014-03-31 02:52:08 コメント 17件 共有 3人
Hey everybody. This is not a regular Kurzgesagt video. We made this clip for the National Academy of Engineerings video contest. http://www.nae.edu/e4u/ The goal of the contest was to make a video about how engineering changed our lifes to the better. Think of it as a bonus video. Should we upload the videos we do for contests or clients on this channel from time to time? It won't be often (since most clients don't want us to publish the work anyway) and we could make a separate playlist. Or should we upload only "real" Kurzgesagt videos on this channel? What do you guys think?

Ok, Moon May... : 2014-05-26 22:02:09 コメント 81件 共有 1人
Ok, Moon May is over. Did you like it? Should we do something like this again? With other topics? More moons? More infographic stuff? Please tell us.  :)

Together wit... : 2014-05-28 22:39:02 コメント 5件 共有 1人
Together with our friends from Moby Digg, we made this interactive infographic about the state of our forests. Take a look and tell us what you think. We'll do more interactive infographic stuff like that in the future! http://www.ourforests.info/

We'll try so... : 2014-05-05 20:30:32 コメント 45件
We'll try something different this month! MOON MAY! Instead of one big video, we'll make a short video every Mo(on)day in May. We'll talk about really cool stuff that is usually overlooked or not that well known. Like the Moons of Mars, Plutos strange Moons oder Neptunes super cold satellites. This week: How big is the Moon really? The answer might surprise you. Next month we'll be back to our usual videos. (and yeah, nuclear energy is coming. For obvious reasons we want to be really happy with the video before we publish it because it's an important topic. And at the moment we aren't there yet. It's done when it's done.)

MOON MAY con... : 2014-05-12 21:52:09 コメント 7件
MOON MAY continues. Happy MO(O)NDAY :D

We'll try so... : 2014-05-05 20:00:24 コメント 5件
We'll try something different this month! MOON MAY! Instead of one big video, we'll make a short video every Mo(on)day in May. We'll talk about really cool stuff that is usually overlooked or not that well known. Like the Moons of Mars, Plutos strange Moons oder Neptunes super cold satellites. This week: How big is the Moon really? The answer might surprise you. Next month we'll be back to our usual videos. (and yeah, nuclear energy is coming. For obvious reasons we want to be really happy with the video before we publish it because it's an important topic. And at the moment we aren't there yet. It's done when it's done.)

Hey Everybod... : 2014-03-25 00:05:50 コメント 2件
Hey Everybody, we are "nominated" for the German Web Video Award! It's a really cool award and we'd like to win it. Unfortunately it's one of those competitions where people have to vote. If you like to vote for us, super nice, take a virtual hug and a cookie! Here is the link: http://bit.ly/1rnQ7tK (push the blue button in the middle of the page) The rules are: You can vote once per day. Votes via social media count as ten votes. We think this are stupid rules. It basically rewards spamming and begging. We won't do either.

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 Google+ Ranking
全国 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
男性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
女性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- |
Global : 1st- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
北海道/東北 北海道 | 青森 | 岩手 | 宮城 | 秋田 | 山形 | 福島 |
関東 茨城 | 栃木 | 群馬 | 埼玉 | 千葉 | 東京都 | 神奈川 | 山梨 |
信越/北陸 新潟 | 富山 | 石川 | 福井 | 長野 |
東海 岐阜 | 静岡 | 愛知 | 三重 |
近畿 滋賀 | 京都府 | 大阪府 | 兵庫 | 奈良 | 和歌山 |
中国/四国 鳥取 | 島根 | 岡山 | 広島 | 山口 | 徳島 | 香川 | 愛媛 | 高知 |
九州/沖縄 福岡 | 佐賀 | 長崎 | 熊本 | 大分 | 宮崎 | 鹿児島 | 沖縄 |
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