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Ryuichi SakamotoさんのGoogle+ Trends

Ryuichi Sakamoto

(Ryuichi Sakamoto) [Google+]
・サークルに追加されている数(Followers) : 56,854人
・国内順位 : 228位
Ryuichi Sakamoto - Google+


NO NUKES 201... : 2013-03-09 07:52:33 コメント 4件 共有 10人
NO NUKES 2013 is taking place March 9th & 10th in Tokyo. http://ow.ly/iB23f http://nonukes2013.jp/ http://www.ustream.tv/channel/skmts

The Official... : 2014-07-12 07:12:03 コメント 20件 共有 9人
The Official Announcement: www.sitesakamoto.com

Ryuichi is a... : 2012-10-23 01:27:46 コメント 2件 共有 8人
Ryuichi is accepting the Asia Pacific Screen Award's FIAPF Award.  The ceremony will be broadcast live on November 23rd,see link below for more details. http://www.asiapacificscreenacademy.com/2012/10/japan%E2%80%99s-ryuichi-sakamoto-to-receive-apsa-2012-fiapf-award/

"THREE" is n... : 2014-01-22 01:35:26 コメント 4件 共有 7人
"THREE" is now available in the iTunes USA store!! Follow link to preview and purchase. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/three/id794100827 "It was in the autumn of 2011 that Ryuichi resurrected his piano, cello, and violin trio for a European Tour, accompanied by cellist Jaques Morelenbaum', and violinist Judy Kang. Immediately following the highly successful tour, which showcased new material alongside Ryuichi's timeless compositions, the trio entered a recording studio in Porto, Portugal to record a new album. The album, titled "THREE" includes new arrangements of Ryuichi's trio works, freshly recorded and re-imagined."

Watch and li... : 2013-11-16 08:01:56 コメント 1件 共有 7人
Watch and listen to Ryuichi perform within his "Forest Symphony" installation at YCAM's opening concert in Yamaguchi. THE OPENING LIVE CONCERT Part1

Ryuichi tour... : 2014-03-15 02:08:44 コメント 1件 共有 7人
Ryuichi toured Futaba, Fukushima Mar. 11-12 to better understand the state of Fukushima now. Click below to see photos and visit the tour page: https://www.facebook.com/fukushimanoima https://www.facebook.com/fukushimanoima/photos_stream

Stream the s... : 2016-01-05 02:00:47 コメント 1件 共有 7人
Stream the soundtrack for 'The Revenant' from NPR: http://www.npr.org/2015/12/30/461409253/first-listen-ryuichi-sakamoto-alva-noto-bryce-dessner-the-revenant

Nam June Pai... : 2013-03-23 04:20:51 コメント 8件 共有 6人
Nam June Paik: Art & Process Washington D.C.,4/14/13 Ryuichi will be performing as part of the "Strange Music for Nam June Paik": A performance of Nam June Paik’s film and music,selected by musicians and composers who knew him well: Ryuichi Sakamoto; Academy and Grammy Award-winning composer,Stephen Vitiello,electronic musician and media artist,and Steina Vasulka,video artist. Free tickets for both the symposium and concert will be available on a first-come,first-served basis starting at 12:30 p.m 4/14/13 in the G Street Lobby. Remaining concert tickets will be distributed again at 6:30 p.m. http://ow.ly/jkFHQ

Now availabl... : 2015-01-14 04:25:33 コメント 5件 共有 6人
Now available for pre-order! 'Perpetual' RYUICHI SAKAMOTO ILLUHA TAYLOR DEUPREE "Recorded live in Yamaguchi, Japan, Perpetual captures the communication between four musicians striving for deep listening. Haunting, textured and restrained." http://shop.12k.com/products/539770-ryuichi-sakamoto-illuha-taylor-deupree-perpetual

Creative App... : 2014-01-14 03:27:25 コメント 2件 共有 6人
Creative Applications covers Ryuichi Sakamoto & Shiro Takatani's installations at YCAM (Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media), "Art - Environment - Life". In addition to the 'Forest Symphony' installation, two other installations are on exhibit as well; ”LIFE – fluid, invisible, inaudible… Ver.2″ & "Water-State 1". Please watch & share the video, if you are in Japan it is highly recommended to experience it in person. The installations will be open until March 2nd. http://www.creativeapplications.net/events/art-%E2%80%95-environment-%E2%80%95-life-ryuichi-sakamoto-at-ycam/

Ryuichi Saka... : 2014-03-14 02:22:18 共有 6人
Ryuichi Sakamoto 坂本龍一 + Taylor Deupree live from St. John's London (2/20) is now available to watch on Boilerroom.tv Click the link below to watch the entire performance! http://boilerroom.tv/recording/ryuichi-sakamoto-taylor-deupree-live/

Alva Noto an... : 2016-11-15 01:24:46 コメント 2件 共有 5人
Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto site specific performance at the Glass House. https://vimeo.com/191205737

An article f... : 2016-08-09 04:57:14 コメント 1件 共有 5人
An article from Pitchfork for the upcoming Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence Soundtrack reissue from Milan Records, October 21st. Also listen to 'Ghost' from upcoming 'Nagasaki: Memories of my Son' OST, also from Milan, September 23rd. http://pitchfork.com/news/67344-david-bowie-and-ryuichi-sakamoto-film-merry-christmas-mr-lawrence-soundtrack-reissued/ https://soundcloud.com/milanrecords/05-ryuichi-sakamoto-ghost-nagasaki-memories-of-my-son/s-lsBvu

My interview... : 2016-03-31 23:13:43 コメント 1件 共有 5人
My interview with Japan Times http://ow.ly/108f1Z #skmtnews

New label Th... : 2015-09-03 00:50:01 共有 5人
New label Thirtythree Thirtythree is releasing Ryuichi Sakamoto + Taylor Deupree Live in London on double 180 gram vinyl October 5th. Pre-order begins today! http://tttt001.thirtythreethirtythree.com Preview: https://soundcloud.com/thirtythreethirtythree/ryuichi-sakamoto-taylor-deupree-live-in-london-side-b

Stephen Viti... : 2013-04-10 06:16:45 コメント 5件 共有 4人
Stephen Vitiello interviews Ryuichi for upcoming Nam June Paik performance at the Smithsonian Art Museum http://ow.ly/jUmLf #skmtnews

Thank you Fi... : 2016-05-13 07:34:02 コメント 2件 共有 4人
Thank you Film Festival Gent http://ow.ly/soKl3009kXi #skmtnews

[Check your rank. あなたのランキングを調べる]

 Google+ Ranking
全国 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
男性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
女性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- |
Global : 1st- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
北海道/東北 北海道 | 青森 | 岩手 | 宮城 | 秋田 | 山形 | 福島 |
関東 茨城 | 栃木 | 群馬 | 埼玉 | 千葉 | 東京都 | 神奈川 | 山梨 |
信越/北陸 新潟 | 富山 | 石川 | 福井 | 長野 |
東海 岐阜 | 静岡 | 愛知 | 三重 |
近畿 滋賀 | 京都府 | 大阪府 | 兵庫 | 奈良 | 和歌山 |
中国/四国 鳥取 | 島根 | 岡山 | 広島 | 山口 | 徳島 | 香川 | 愛媛 | 高知 |
九州/沖縄 福岡 | 佐賀 | 長崎 | 熊本 | 大分 | 宮崎 | 鹿児島 | 沖縄 |
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