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Think with GoogleさんのGoogle+ Trends

Think with Google

(Think with Google) [Google+]
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Think with Google - Google+


This morning... : 2012-12-28 23:01:07 コメント 14件 共有 167人
This morning Harvard Business Review advised on 33 HBR blog posts you should read before 2013. Below is our favorite - and the most-read post of the year. If you have already read it once,it's worth reading again before you take a break (a REAL break) for the long weekend.

Our latest I... : 2014-05-09 23:31:34 コメント 18件 共有 160人
Our latest Insights Report shows that +YouTube reaches more 18-34 year-olds than any cable network. Read more insights from our new report here: http://goo.gl/iIH8jJ

Today marks ... : 2013-03-15 01:37:34 コメント 18件 共有 157人
Today marks the debut of the new Think Insights,Google’s single destination for marketing insights and inspiration. On google.com/think,you can discover the latest research in digital marketing,be inspired by creative brand campaigns,and find useful products and tools to help make the web work for you. Come check it out!

Collecting g... : 2014-10-10 06:08:51 コメント 6件 共有 124人
Collecting great data is important, but the real value comes from translating it into actionable insights. Learn how: http://goo.gl/YEU2Jc

Location-bas... : 2014-05-07 01:45:57 コメント 13件 共有 117人
Location-based ads give people information they can—and likely will—use immediately. Data shows that 50% of consumers who searched for local information on their smartphones made their way to a store within a day. http://goo.gl/4by5r3

写真などを投稿 : 2015-04-18 06:49:34 コメント 7件 共有 109人

The World Cu... : 2014-05-24 01:51:28 コメント 35件 共有 97人
The World Cup attracts the attention of the entire globe. The data shows that the World Cup is searched for more than the Super Bowl, the Olympics, and the Tour de France combined. Read more data and insights about the World Cup and its audience: http://goo.gl/EuFhp0

Are the happ... : 2013-04-11 00:02:44 コメント 22件 共有 93人
Are the happiest people you know dedicated to dealing with the most difficult problems? What are your primary sources of motivation at work? Do mastery,membership and meaning come into play? Read about inspiring examples of passion and purpose in Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter's blog post. 

More evidenc... : 2013-02-20 00:33:07 コメント 15件 共有 91人
More evidence that the decision-making process is being shaped by online influences: according to a Nielsen global survey,the Internet is an important influence on consumers interested in buying new products in categories like electronics (81%),appliances (77%),books (70%) and music (69%). The trend is catching on in consumption categories too. How does the Internet influence the way that consumers interact with your brand?

Our latest r... : 2014-11-19 05:47:19 コメント 23件 共有 87人
Our latest research with Ipsos MediaCT and Sterling Brands found that shoppers increasingly use smartphones as in-store shopping assistants. Learn more about the new realities of local retail: http://goo.gl/Kq4JJL

At Think wit... : 2014-07-16 06:58:12 コメント 22件 共有 86人
At Think with Google, we’ve been (semi-obsessively) following soccer trends leading up to and throughout the World Cup. Now that the tournament is over, we checked in for one last look. Here’s the final tally: Soccer is becoming incredibly popular in the states This year's World Cup was a huge global moment, driving more interest than ever. World Cup-related Google searches in the U.S. grew 8x since the 2010 games. This included searches for players, teams, and other World Cup terms. Check out the most popular trends here. More fans are on mobile Mobile has changed how soccer fans get in on the game. 71% of World Cup searches during the final match were done on a mobile device. Compare that to the 18% we saw during the 2010 final—that’s 19 times the amount. They’re searching in real-time With fans constantly connected during the game, a new pattern of search behavior emerged. In 2010, most U.S. searches happened at the end of the game, with spikes during the beginning and end of the half. This year, fans searched a lot at these key points, but also during other moments like yellow cards, substitutions and goals. Brands are capturing interest with content Fans watched more soccer videos on YouTube during the tournament, and brands captured their attention, creating longer, more movie-like ads. Since April 1, World Cup ads on +YouTube have been more watched more than 807 million times. That’s more than double the views of this year’s Super Bowl ads on YouTube and over five times the number of hours watched. These trends don’t just mean that soccer is a big deal. They mean that fan behavior is changing. Brands looking to engage this passionate audience should take note. - Posted by +Alli Mooney 

+BuzzFeed sh... : 2014-08-08 00:14:14 コメント 139件 共有 82人
+BuzzFeed shows us the hilarious reactions of men who try on makeup for the first time in this week's +YouTube Re:View: http://goo.gl/4kLgA2

Today we lau... : 2013-07-10 02:49:09 コメント 7件 共有 81人
Today we launched the Google Databoard, a brand new tool that makes it easy to find, display and share Google research. It isn't easy to stay up to date on the most recent research and insights related to your industry, so we hope this makes life easier. With this tool, you can explore our research in a unique and immersive way. You can also curate customized infographics out of charts and data points that you select. They are quick to create and easy to share. The Databoard is launching with five studies, and we're adding new ones all the time, so check back often! think.withgoogle.com/databoard

Our new, int... : 2015-05-02 06:19:36 コメント 7件 共有 75人
Our new, interactive Brand Creator Playbook lists the 10 fundamentals of making great +YouTube content: http://goo.gl/anoKxb

For the firs... : 2014-04-16 00:55:16 コメント 8件 共有 66人
For the first time, a non-profit scored the top spot on our +YouTube Ads Leaderboard with this powerful video. See the other ads that made the cut: http://goo.gl/nbLf2R 

82% of smart... : 2015-11-05 08:16:54 コメント 3件 共有 65人
82% of smartphone users turn to their devices to help them make a product decision. See how brands like +Sears, +Macys, and +Walgreens are optimizing to reach them at different touchpoints in the customer journey: https://goo.gl/438dsc

With more th... : 2014-10-09 05:36:30 コメント 16件 共有 61人
With more than 1.9 million views, this powerful poem about the impact of technology on human interaction tops the latest +YouTube Re:View trending videos: http://goo.gl/U2uExB

[Check your rank. あなたのランキングを調べる]

 Google+ Ranking
全国 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
男性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
女性 : 1位- | 101- | 201- | 301- |
Global : 1st- | 101- | 201- | 301- | 401- |
北海道/東北 北海道 | 青森 | 岩手 | 宮城 | 秋田 | 山形 | 福島 |
関東 茨城 | 栃木 | 群馬 | 埼玉 | 千葉 | 東京都 | 神奈川 | 山梨 |
信越/北陸 新潟 | 富山 | 石川 | 福井 | 長野 |
東海 岐阜 | 静岡 | 愛知 | 三重 |
近畿 滋賀 | 京都府 | 大阪府 | 兵庫 | 奈良 | 和歌山 |
中国/四国 鳥取 | 島根 | 岡山 | 広島 | 山口 | 徳島 | 香川 | 愛媛 | 高知 |
九州/沖縄 福岡 | 佐賀 | 長崎 | 熊本 | 大分 | 宮崎 | 鹿児島 | 沖縄 |
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