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Conrad ParkerさんのGoogle+ Trends

Conrad Parker

(Conrad Parker) [Google+]
・サークルに追加されている数(Followers) : 1,456人
・国内順位 : 1,829位
Conrad Parker - Google+


+Simon Marlo... : 2013-10-25 10:12:14 コメント 4件 共有 11人
+Simon Marlow shows new GHC developers how the scheduler is implemented.

Kids choose ... : 2013-09-07 06:10:46 コメント 8件 共有 6人
Kids choose cards to steer the turtle; when they're ready for it, they can lay down many cards. There's undo and debugging, and in advanced gameplay there's a "function frog" to minimize the number of cards used.

Very well do... : 2013-04-09 06:14:15 共有 6人
Very well done.

Coursera's e... : 2013-09-08 08:46:47 コメント 13件 共有 5人
Coursera's excellent courses are mainly based around video, but I'm currently in a technological backwater that has data usage limits(!) so I'm just reading the assigned texts, like some kind of primitive student from the Industrial age. The week 1 reading for Money and Banking is a collection of essays from the 1920s by Allyn Young. The reading is useful because things were simpler back then: it's easier to develop a basic understanding of currency, banking reserves and foreign exchange when there is a constant-valued thing to compare everything to. https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/money%2Freadings%2FYoung.pdf This doesn't necessarily mean that the gold standard was a better system.: later weeks of the course develop the idea of money as a means for improving civilization rather than just a way of enabling trade. Anyone interested in distributed systems will enjoy the comparison of the centralised European and British systems to the decentralized Federal Reserve system, in particular how the different ratios of reserve requrired at each level force money to flow up and down the system in response to small rate changes introduced at the top. My favourite quote, describing the USA in the 1920s: "In considering the factors responsible for the creation of national wealth, statesmen and the public have often been far too prone to overlook the indispensible services of those institutions which assemble and distribute the credit resources of the country. Too often has the nation been depicted as merely a vast workshop in which the technique of physical production alone demands the thoughtful and continuous attention of the country's best brains."

unsafePerfor... : 2013-10-22 08:19:34 コメント 6件 共有 5人
unsafePerformIO (the real reason people use Haskell in finance). #twt  

This video f... : 2013-07-01 22:24:11 コメント 2件 共有 5人
This video from WEHI in Melbourne simulates the tiny machines that implement cut'n'copy and copy'n'paste in humans, and how they signal to each other while the body builds itself. I found it via the Coursera course on Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression that just started today, which covers a bunch of details related to packaging and distribution of wetware. A lot of it seems to be about making sure to turn the right machines on and off in different parts of the body, and then making sure they don't run into each other.

Joey Hess ha... : 2013-07-15 10:15:15 コメント 7件 共有 4人
Joey Hess has shown how crowdfunding can work for free software projects: by setting achievable goals, working consistently towards them and writing near-daily text updates about the code. He recently finished his 12 month Kickstarter campaign, achieving lots of stretch goals. Now he's at it again, but using his own homegrown funding platform which accepts paypal or bitcoin. Check it out, and donate if you like git-annex, want secure encrypted cloud storage tools or just get a warm fuzzy feeling from Haskell/Yesod apps.

写真などを投稿 : 2013-04-03 22:36:46 共有 4人

A cruel and ... : 2013-10-15 21:06:08 コメント 5件 共有 3人
A cruel and unusual fish punishment.

Five-Year-Ol... : 2014-03-04 18:31:27 コメント 4件 共有 3人
Five-Year-Olds Can Learn Calculus Why playing with algebraic and calculus concepts—rather than doing arithmetic drills—may be a better way to introduce children to math. Far too much of school maths is just mindless computation. It ends up putting people off ‘studying maths’ when in reality they’re just bored of calculating (which, to be honest, is boring for everyone). Of course there does need to be a basic threshold of arithmetic ability, but this doesn’t need to become a weekly chore. There needs to be a larger emphasis on appreciating the thinking and logic that goes into mathematical concepts. Fewer people dreading an hour of sleepy arithmetic and more people looking forward to working out something brand new! The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/03/5-year-olds-can-learn-calculus/284124/ Image: Alexander F. Yuan/AP Images #calculus #maths #education #mathmaticalconcepts .

I'm just in ... : 2013-03-27 11:24:02 コメント 3件 共有 3人
I'm just in it for the toy dinosaurs.

+Edward Kmet... : 2013-10-21 15:11:53 コメント 2件 共有 3人
+Edward Kmett simplifies parking at the bottom of the hill using an involuted isomorphism under parking at the top of the hill.

When people ... : 2013-06-18 14:10:31 コメント 2件 共有 3人
When people ask me what I do, I like to send them this:

Volume I of ... : 2013-09-14 06:07:42 コメント 1件 共有 3人
Volume I of the Feynman Lectures on Physics have now been made available online by Caltech.

I've been pl... : 2013-10-15 07:24:14 コメント 1件 共有 3人
I've been playing with Fay recently; it's  a surprisingly effective way of generating Javascript. You write in a subset of Haskell -- which ,if you're familiar with it, is more concise and clear than Javascript or Coffeescript. It has a simple "foreign function interface" which is a kind of templating system that knows to write different Javascript for different types of object. One thing you can use this for is to wrap existing Javascript libraries in a Haskell interface. The patch below is to fay-jquery, a project that wraps the #jquery  library. It modifies the wrapper for the function $(), also known as jQuery(), such that not just text selectors, but certain entire Fay objects can be passed to jQuery(); the Fay compiler will automatically serialize those objects in-place. Typeclasses are not yet fully implemented in Fay. +Adam Bergmark explained that "Fay ignores type class declarations, so you can add a typeclass without any methods to just add constraints to functions". Hence the Selectable typeclass has no methods, it is just used to declare which objects can be used as arguments to select.

Coursera's e... : 2013-09-08 08:47:41 コメント 1件 共有 3人
Coursera's excellent courses are mainly based around video, but I'm currently in a technological backwater that has data usage limits(!) so I'm just reading the assigned texts, like some kind of primitive student from the Industrial age. The week 1 reading for Money and Banking is a collection of essays from the 1920s by Allyn Young. The reading is useful because things were simpler back then: it's easier to develop a basic understanding of currency, banking reserves and foreign exchange when there is a constant-valued thing to compare everything to. https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/money%2Freadings%2FYoung.pdf This doesn't necessarily mean that the gold standard was a better system.: later weeks of the course develop the idea of money as a means for improving civilization rather than just a way of enabling trade. Anyone interested in distributed systems will enjoy the comparison of the centralised European and British systems to the decentralized Federal Reserve system, in particular how the different ratios of reserve requrired at each level force money to flow up and down the system in response to small rate changes introduced at the top. My favourite quote, describing the USA in the 1920s: "In considering the factors responsible for the creation of national wealth, statesmen and the public have often been far too prone to overlook the indispensible services of those institutions which assemble and distribute the credit resources of the country. Too often has the nation been depicted as merely a vast workshop in which the technique of physical production alone demands the thoughtful and continuous attention of the country's best brains."

Nice stuff: ... : 2013-04-03 07:47:04 共有 3人
Nice stuff: “The phrase "MUST (BUT WE KNOW YOU WON'T)" is used to indicate requirements that are needed to meet formal review criteria,when these mechanisms are too inconvenient for implementers to actually implement.” https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6919

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